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Marie Ranola (26 y/o) Diagnose with BRAIN ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATION

🔆First Vita Plus PLATINUM

How effective is First Vita Plus Platinum?

We want to share the story of Ms. Marie Ranola 26 years of age, almost 2 months she was in coma and diagnosed with
brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain)
after drinking First Vita Plus Platinum Variant she is RECOVERING AMAZINGLY! 
Just see the posted PHOTOS and be SURPRISED!

* What are the difference between the existing variants of First Vita Plus?

✔ No Added Sugar(Very safe and recommended for diabetes patients)
✔ Recommended for terminal or serious illness/diseases
✔ Each box contains 15 sachets only
✔ Recovers and restores your body to its healthy state FAST and SAFE
✔ If GOLD Variants are 3x more potent than ORIGINAL Variants, PLATINUM Lines are far more superior when it comes to effectiveness!

★ Why TRY this Natural Health Juice?
✔ Does not cure the symptoms alone unlike conventional medicine
✔ Does not harm your body since it is ALL NATURAL and NO PRESERVATIVES
✔ No contraindication (Maaring isabay sa mga gamot na iniinom)
✔ No harmful side-effects
✔ Boost and detox your IMMUNE SYSTEM (Maiiwasan/Malalabanan ang pagkakaroon ng malalang sakit)
✔ For Cancer patients, eases and lessens the painful side-effects of chemotherapy!

★ First Vita Plus PLATINUM LINES recommended for chronic illness:
✔ High Blood Pressure
✔ High in Cholesterol
✔ Cancer (Breast, Colon, Leukemia, Lung, Bone etc.)
✔ Chronic Kidney Disease (caused by Diabetes, Highblood)
✔ Dialysis Patients (Kidney Malfunction/Failure)
✔ Alzheimer's disease and dementia
✔ Arthritis
✔ Asthma
✔ Diabetes
✔ Stroke
✔ Heart Disease
✔ Hypertension
*** 1 POWERPACK of First Vita Plus Guyabano PLATINUM claims to be equivalent to 1 CYCLE (6 sessions) of CHEMOTHERAPHY ***

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Moringa Oleifera (also known as the horseradish tree) Has been widely used in the East as a medication for centuries. It is also considered to be much safer to use than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are often prescribed for lupus patients, including Voltaren, Kaspo, Adoil, and others. The various side effects of these drugs include the risk of kidney, circulatory, and digestive problems, just to name a few, increasing the risk of serious medical complications. Moringa, on the other hand, is less toxic than the other remedies,—and at least as effective. moringa is easy to combine with most medication because there have been no adverse reactions to it, and it contains no known impurities.

How Moringa works in the body?

The leaves used for making the Moringa extract contain large amounts of anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, and anti-oxidant elements, and they are also rich in the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that bolster our immune system. Because of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera, the European Union (EU), World health Organization (WHO) and other NGOs now plant and support its cultivation in various locations, including Africa, in order to combat malnutrition.

Above all, Moringa suppresses the COX-2 enzyme, which causes both inflammation and the pain related to it. It seems that anyone, including children and senior citizens in particular, can experience the benefits of taking Moringa. Athletes report a surge in energy from using these capsules, and many users are amazed because they feel the results so quickly.

First Vita Plus PLATINUM also further enhanced with Four Other power Herbs, Corchorus, Capsicum, Amaranthus, Ipomoea , to aid in meeting your daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidants and immunity enhancing phytochemicals. Guranteed to provide you the extra energy boost, protection, from stress and maintenance of wellness, wholeness and well-being.


Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used as vegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorus and vitamins A and B.
It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative.

Reported to be demulcent, deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue, purgative and tonic, it may also be a remedy for aches and pains, dysentery, enteritis, fever and pectoral pains.

It functions as a good expectorant and an effective astringent especially in stopping liquid bowels. Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of the root relieve one’s breathing from acute bronchitis.

IPOMOEA BATATAS (Talbos ng Kamote)
Its roots are high in calories and vitamin A and the leafy tops are eaten as vegetables. The tops, especially purplish ones are used for diabetes and the crushed leaves are applied to boils and acne.

Therefore if you want to be healthy let's drink First Vita Plus PLATINUM Natural Health Drink!!! 

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- Drink FVP in the morning after you wake up empty stomach 1hr or 30 minutes before eating then followed by water.
What is the purpose of drinking First Vita Plus in the morning?
 By drinking FVP in the morning 1hr or 30 minutes before meal you're feeding your body especially your immune system to combat illness.

- Drink FVP before bedtime, because this is the time our body is fully rested. While in our sleep the detoxification process become more effective.

Here's time frames that our body  get rejuvenated and repaired for effectively:
* Evening @ 9pm to 11pm is the time for eliminating unnecessary toxic chemicals.
* 11pm to 1am is the detoxification process in the liver.
* Midnight to 4am - bone marrow detoxification
* Early morning 1am to 3am - gall stone detoxification
* Early morning 3am to 5am - detoxification ng lungs.
* 5am to 4am - colon detoxification.
* 7am to 9am - detoxification of intestines

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The kidneys are sophisticated trash collectors. Every day, your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine, which flows to your bladder through tubes called ureters. Your bladder stores urine until you go to the bathroom.

The kidneys remove wastes and extra water from the blood to form urine. Urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureters.

The wastes in your blood come from the normal breakdown of active muscle and from the food you eat. Your body uses the food for energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste is sent to the blood. If your kidneys did not remove these wastes, the wastes would build up in the blood and damage your body

Dr. Allan Hernandez | Internist - Endocrinologist
"What I have witnessed? I've had patients with kidney failure whose kidney functions improved such that their dialysis treatments were delayed. All because of FIRST VITA PLUS."

First Vita Plus recommends: GUYABANO GOLD helps to fight the following diseases for the KIDNEY
✔ Kidney Stones
✔ Chronic Kidney Disease (caused by Diabetes, Highblood)
✔ Dialysis Patients (Kidney Malfunction/Failure)
✔ UTI (Infections can spread to the kidneys)
✔ Polycystic Kidney Disease (cysts)

What is in First Vita Plus that makes it very effective?
First Vita Plus key component is the 5 POWER HERBS!
🌿 Moringa oleifera(Malunggay/Horse Radish)
🌿 Capsicum frutescens(Dahon ng Sili/Chili Pepper Leaves)
🌿 Corchorus olitorius (Saluyot/Jute Leaves)
🌿 Amaranthus spinosus(Uray/Kulitis or Local Phil. Spinach)
🌿 Ipomoea batatas(Talbos ng Kamote or Sweet Potato Tops)

Here are a few TIPS in order to maintain and keep our Kidneys healthy:
★ Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels at the target range. Control blood glucose level. These can delay or prevent kidney failure.
★ Cut back on salt. Aim for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.
★ Choose foods that are healthy for the heart: fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.
★ Be more physically active.
★ Limit alcohol intake.
★ Take necessary steps to quit smoking. Cigarette smoking can make kidney damage worse.
★ Drink eight glasses of water each day
★ Drink First Vita Plus Guyabano Gold regularly at least 2-3x a day before meals. This will help cleanse your blood and detox your body. It is the PREMIUM variant of First Vita Plus which can greatly help the kidney to function well. It also helps maintain blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels thus keeps the whole body healthy.

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How can First Vita Plus help you with the treatment and prevention of DIABETES?

Getting to Know the Dreaded Diabetes.

       Diabetes is a condition whereby a person's blood sugar increases beyond the normal values. It is diagnosed by measuring the blood sugar. The 2 primary types of diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Others include gestational diabetes mellitus seen in pregnant patients, diabetes precipitated by infections, drugs and genetic factors. Type 1 diabetes is seen in younger patients, from infancy onward, averaging 17 years of age upon diagnosis. They may present with a life-threatening complication called "diabetic ketoacidosis" as the initial manifestation. They require insulin therapy upon diagnosis, and cannot miss out on the insulin even once. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is more often seen in older patients generally 40 years old and above. However, increasingly, younger and younger patients including teenagers are afflicted with type 2 diabetes. This is due to lifestyle changes seen over the years with increasing intake of high-calorie, high fat western type diets and sodas, and lack of exercise especially among children. Patients with diabetes often present with symptoms of weight loss despite an increase in appetite, increased urination commonly noticed at night, and increased thirst. Other symptoms include blurring of vision, dizziness, weakness, and numbness.

First Vita Plus: Preventing Diabetes through the Power Herbs
       Can diabetes be prevented? Of course! Those with strong family histories of diabetes should be more attentive to this. The chance of getting diabetes is about 15% if a parent is diabetic, but increases to almost 50% if both parents are diabetic. Start by cutting down on high calorie sugary foods such as cakes, pastries, ice cream, cookies, etc. Avoid soft drinks, and similar beverages especially those sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. It has been shown to cause obesity, a major risk factor in diabetes. It also causes an increase in "visceral" fat, which has been connected to an increase in insulin resistance, an important cause of diabetes.

       In this regard, First Vita Plus is an excellent alternative, being a natural health drink that provides a lot of health benefits to the body. It contains 5 of the most beneficial herbs including: malunggay, sili, saluyot, uray, and camote. All the five herbs have important health benefits individually. But for diabetic patients, the effects are more significant. Saluyot is recommended for diabetics because it lowers the chance for getting hypertension, heart and kidney disease. Sili provides relief for arthritic pain, and can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Uray, malunggay, sili and camote have all been reported to decrease the blood sugar. The nice thing about First Vita Plus drinks is that you do not taste the herbs. Instead, the flavors are those of dalandan (bitter orange), guyabano (soursop), melon, pineapple, or mangosteen. One important product in First Vita Plus which is also useful for diabetics is the Lady Fingers drink. It contains Okra, which is increasingly being used by patients against diabetes. The other important aspect of prevention is exercise. The current recommendation is to simply do brisk walking for 30 min 5 times a week. Both diet and exercise can decrease the chance of getting diabetes by as much as 60%.

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Are you experiencing Healing Crisis?

It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from detoxification reactions when they begin a program of natural healing. This is classically referred to as a healing crisis and occurs when the body is expelling toxins into the different systems of the body. The healing crisis is a normal process that toxic individuals will often encounter on their path to getting well.

The medical term for healing crisis is the “Herxheimer Reaction.” This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough. The toxins remain in circulation and can affect the brain stem region leading to nausea, poor coordination, headaches, fatigue, malaise, fever, etc.

Another common cause of the healing crisis has to do with the dying off of certain pathogenic organisms in the body. These organisms can be Candida yeast infections, viruses and bacteria. Any sort of natural health program can cause a massive die-off of these organisms. This die-off releases stored endotoxins (within the microbes themselves) that circulate and again interfere with normalized function. The more pathogens in the body, the more endotoxins that will be released into the bloodstream.

The healing crisis is natural and healthy

The healing crisis is very natural and unique for each individual. The vast majority experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. The individual should understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and able to eliminate toxins more effectively. Symptoms usually reduce or are eliminated within two to three days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks.

Most people base their health on how they are feeling and think that the natural health program is hurting them when they go through a healing crisis. This could not be further from the truth. The longer toxins or pathogenic organisms remain in the body, the worse their health will be and the faster they will develop disease.

People who are already suffering from major illnesses or are quickly building disease processes may suffer from more extreme reactions. This may explain why someone would have a brief flare-up in their condition. On occasion, the crisis will come after the individual feels at their very best. The most common symptoms associated with a healing crisis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, night sweats, hot/cold flashes, increased blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue.

Fasting is a common strategy used to cleanse the body and often is associated with many of these detox symptoms. Fasting removes energy from the digestive tract where it can now be utilized for healing and detoxification. This is an important strategy for everyone to use periodically to improve and maintain cellular purity. Many choose to do three to ten-day liquid cleanses every quarter while others choose to do a weekly, 24-hour fasting cleanse.

To minimize healing crisis symptoms during a fast it is best to incorporate fermented drinks that are rich in electrolytes and enzymes to facilitate cleansing. Some of the best functional beverages to include in a fasting cleanse include fermented whey, coconut water kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha.

Healing crisis will also occur when individuals begin to incorporate naturally fermented foods into their diet. These foods destroy pathogenic organisms and create die-off effects. Healing crisis are also very common in individuals with major blood sugar signaling problems. When they remove sugar and anything that turns into sugar, they often have symptoms. Until there body gets comfortable using fat as a preferred fuel, they will often run on metabolic acidosis and experience healing crisis symptoms.

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Moringa Oleifera (malunggay) controls sugar levels. In a person suffering from diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, which is necessary to break down glucose into energy. A build up of this glucose can lead to further complications. According to diabetologists, 500 diabetics are being diagnosed everyday in the Philippines.

For those suffering from high blood pressure – the force of blood against the walls of arteries stays higher than normal. High blood pressure is one of the leading cause of death in the Philippines and is regarded as a lifelong diseases and precursor to more serious ailments like stroke and cardiac arrest.

Yet, healthy living with the right exercise and nutrition can help those who suffer from diabetes and blood pressure to lower their risk considerably.

Moringa has been used by diabetics and those with high blood pressure with good results. It is truly a superfood, which contains all the right ingredients to help maintain healthier blood pressure levels within a normal range and acts as an unparalleled nutritionalsupport for diabetics.

Here’s why.

Moringa contains:

Vitamin C, which helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide, which in turn aids the normal functioning of blood vessels, and which may prevent the development of diabetic cataract.Calcium, which acts as a muscle relaxant.4 times the potassium found in bananas (when compared pound for pound), which helps lower sodium content, thereby decreasing blood pressure.Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin E, which help smoothen and relax the muscles of blood vessels.Vitamin D, which is essential to help the pancreas secrete insulin correctly.Vitamin A, an antioxidant which may reduce the risk of blindness caused by diabetes.Vitamin B, which is associated with effective treatment of diabetic neuropathy.90 + nutrients and 46 antioxidants, all which aid in promoting health and wellness.

Moringa is safe and all natural, so it can be used by children and adults alike, with no known side-effects. Used regularly, Moringa supports a healthy blood sugar and functions as an ideal nutritional support for those with diabetes.

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